How to enlarge the head of the penis

man thinking about the increase of the head of the penis

It is very difficult to meet someone who is 100% satisfied with their own appearance.

Men's representatives often suffer from a lack of confidence, but in most cases, they don't let others understand it.

The shape, diameter or length of the penis is often the cause of male frigidity.

One of the most common problems is the small size of the head of the penis.

For the person herself, such annoyance does not cause any inconvenience, but there is a fear of not pleasing her partner in bed or disappointing her on the first date. .

Why to enlarge the head of the penis?

First of all, it should be said that normally the size of the head of the penis should be larger than the diameter of the body. But often the structure of the male organ does not correspond to such indicators. In this situation, representatives of the male begin to experience difficulties in their sex life, due to the fact that the small head of the penis cannot fully stimulate the vagina of the partner. The man in this case also received less pleasure during intercourse. Therefore, the decision to increase a significant part of the penis is quite reasonable.

At the present time, medicine, certainly at its peak, can help men increase penis size. One of the most common methods is the use of a lengthening device, part of which is fixed to the tip of the penis. If this part of the penis is too small, the device cannot be held firmly. So men are forced to resort to first to increase it.

But sometimes a stronger desire to change the size of the glans is not related to the presence of any problems in their sex life. This part of the organ is the most sensitive, and its increase will have a positive effect on erection and direct sensation during intercourse.

What exercises help to grow the head?

The most effective way to increase penis size at home is to do some exercises regularly. The advantage of this method is that the man does not have to undergo surgery and rehabilitation in the long run. Moreover, no investment is required.

To perform the exercise, it is necessary to first achieve an erection by masturbation, and then forcefully squeeze the penis at the base of the penis with your fingers. You need to stay in this position until the penis becomes extremely erect. After achieving the desired result, you should release your finger for a few seconds. After the penis begins to dilate, you must immediately squeeze it again.

For a satisfactory result, it is recommended to perform such manipulations ten times daily in one exercise. This exercise helps to solve the problem by significantly increasing the pressure in the upper part of the penis. Moreover, in this way, it will be possible to improve the erection.

To do the following technique properly, you need to sit on the edge of a chair or sofa and spread your legs as wide as possible. Then use one hand to gently squeeze the base of the penis and alternately hit the left and right thighs. Calculating your own strength is very important, because if you overdo it, you can get injured. Exercise should not be a source of pain or discomfort. You should repeat it for seven minutes.

Positive changes are achieved by being stubborn. Moreover, after two weeks from the start of exercise, the sensitivity of this part of the penis will begin to decrease, which helps delay ejaculation during sex.

The last but most effective exercise is the following. You need to sit comfortably on the couch and squeeze the penis firmly at the base. Then, slowly you need to move your fingers directly to your head, while not reducing the compression. To better understand the essence of this technique, it is enough to simply visualize the milking process of a cow. The exercise must be done daily for twelve minutes. If you feel discomfort, you can use a special lubricant so as not to damage the delicate dermis.

The whole benefit lies in the fact that the blood flow to the upper part of the penis is significantly increased, and this contributes to the expansion of the vascular system. Thus, the volume of the head will gradually increase to the desired level. The exercises listed must be performed comprehensively in order to achieve a good result.